© 2024 Kandorlogisticsinc. All rights reserved. "Kandor Logistics" and "KLI" refer to Kandor Logistics Inc.
KLI (Kandor Logistics Inc), an independent legal entity, is a single member of KLI, a national organization of an independent advisory firm. Each KLI network firm is a Single entity of KLI, a US private company limited by guarantee. KLI Limited does not practice accountancy or provide any services to clients. KLI (Kandor Logistics Inc) is not an agent of any other firm, cannot obligate any other firm, and is liable only for its own acts or omissions and not those of any other firms. Similarly, KLI Limited cannot act as an agent of any member firm and cannot obligate any member firm. The names “KLI" and/or “Kandor Logistics Inc,” and the associated logo, are used under license.